My thoughts, problem, and emotions to myself.

I am not the type of person that shares my deep thought to anyone.  I like to keep everything to myself.  People think my life is not difficult because I only show them my happy side and care free self.  Why?  Because I do not want to burden anyone with my problems.  They are my problem and no one else, so why should I bring down such great atmosphere?…


I wonder

I wonder what life would have been if I haven’t met you. I know it would be much different. But if I have not met you now, would I have met you in the future? Would all these things that is happening now, would they happen in the future? Would it just be a paused in life? Or would it be a change? Would things be different? If we met some other time?


I guess

I don’t understand how certain people’s mind work.  It’s so confusing. At times they seem so nice towards you and then not.  They will look like you two are the bestest friend ever, but once you turn your back they become your worst enemy. Why is that? It’s so confusing and misleading….

Another thing that confuses me or I do not understand about certain people is their change of attitudes towards you, without no given reason or explanation.   You are just left there hanging and wondering what you did wrong?  Is it because I jokingly offended them without me realizing it? A rumor they heard about me and they listened? Or they realize they don’t like me for no apparent reason? For whatever reason or excuse it is. I would much appreciate it if they told me why or asked me straight up if those rumors were true because honestly it’s not fair…



Sometimes I think that I am so naive.  I don’t know why.  Is it because I think that everyone is good?  I trust people easily?  I forgive them right away?  I let them take advantage?  or is that just being gullible or stupid?  Or maybe both.  I don’t know.  I guess I’m all of those things.  A child that is naive, gullible and stupid. 



Having a first for everything can be a pleasant and painful experience. It really depends on what “first” that is.  This can be as simple as having your first ice cream flavor that you have never tasted before.  You may like it or may not, depending on your preference.  Simple as that right?  But, there are things that “first” maybe hard to get over…


Like having your first relationship.  The first relationship is sometimes or mostly the hardest relationship because you tend to give that person your all.  Why, we might ask?  Well because she/he is your “first.”  It’s something we haven’t experienced yet, so you would want to give it your all or stay committed.  But what happens when their is a change in a persons heart?  Then here comes your “first” break-up.  It may be the most painful break-up.  But hey, it’s a learning lesson right?  

Whether it is your first ice cream flavor, to first relationship and first break-up.  Just be grateful about it because some people may never experience these “first” encounters that you have.  It’s a growing experience! I hope. ^_^



I am so indecisive right now!  I am not sure whether to take seven classes this semester, or should I just take six?  I don’t know!! College, why are you so hard! ERRRR!!! So confused, I hope I can decide before school start….  I might just end up taking seven classes, but I am taking away my social life… Oh wells…

